How To Rank Amazon Product Pages In Google For Multiple Keywords

SEO for SaaS
(תוכנה כשירות) SaaS קידום אתרי
October 31, 2019
SEO for SaaS
(תוכנה כשירות) SaaS קידום אתרי
October 31, 2019

Amazon SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very lucrative marketing method for both established brands that have official amazon shops, and FBA sellers/private label brands that want to acquire top rankings for their products listings for relevant search queries.

But there is a complete hidden realm of streams of organic traffic and sales that gets much less attention from Amazon sellers, which is getting organic traffic and sales straight from Google’s organic results.

It’s a numbers game

rank an amazon product page in google

The chart is taken from SEMRUSH software has more than 70 million URLs indexed in, with more than 30 million of them are ranking in the top 10 results, while has 9.5 million URLs indexed in, with 1.9 million of them are ranking in the top 10 results.

Those enormous numbers can prove you that Google just LOVES Amazon, and sends to its pages an extremely large amount of organic search traffic (which is the best quality buyer intent traffic a web page can have).

Now if you are selling products on Amazon and don’t rank your listings for buyer intent keywords in the top results of Google, you’re probably leaving large amounts of money on the table.

Why does Google rank Amazon first for almost so many product searches?

We all know that is a very authoritative website and that Google chooses to display an Amazon page results for many keywords if there is a commercial intent to it. What most of you don’t know, is that Google is dedicating 1-3 organic search slots (usually the top ones), for Amazon product and category pages, for a large percentage of product and retail search queries (It’s not a confirmed fact, but from dedicating months of thorough research on this subject I came up with this assumption).

What helps to proof this assumption even more, is the fact that you can almost not find other Amazon product pages in Google’s organic search results from the 2nd pages downwards. This means that in order to rank to the top of Google’s organic search, you need to outrank all the other Amazon product pages that compete for the same type of product.

You can rank an Amazon product page in Google for multiple keywords

amazon product page result on google organic search

While most of the times you can rank an Amazon product listing within Amazon’s inner search engine for just a couple of keywords, you can rank one Amazon listing in Google for a large list of close-related keywords, and accumulate the number of hits to your product page from many product-related search phrases.

For example, this product page is currently ranking for 72 keywords(!) in the top 10 results of’s organic search results, for example:

Keyword Position Monthly Search Volume
omega Juicer 3 18100
omega Juicer 8006 1 2900
omega j8006 nutrition center juicer 1 880
omega masticating juicer 3 1000
omega j8006 nutrition center juicer black and chrome 1 170
It’s a numbers game INDEED! What’s the profit then??

» Let’s assume that you rank for a bunch of buyer intent keywords, for an accumulative number of 2000 searches a month…

» And you get a third from this amount of traffic, so it’s around 600 visits a month…

» And you sell a product for a margin of $60…

» And you sell only 40 products a month…

» From the moment that you rank your listing on the top of page 1 of Google, you’ll earn a profit of $2400 a month, which will become a profit of $28k a year!
(And most of the times you won’t need to invest any extra work, which means that your income becomes passive)

How can you rank your Amazon product page in Google’s organic search results?

Most Amazon sellers are not SEOing their pages, and even if they do rank on page one of Google, it’s for low competition keywords and phrases.
As with any SEO campaign, you need to apply both On-Page and Off-Page optimization techniques to boost the page’s trust and relevancy.

Basic On-Page SEO techniques for Google-Amazon SEO:

  1. Optimize your title – include your keywords at least 1 time in the main title, preferably at the starting of it.
  2. Optimize your page URL – If possible, include your keyword within the page’s URL.
  3. Description – Include your keyword and variations of your keyword within the product’s description segment.
  4. Bold/Italic – If your brand is registered, you can mark words with bold or italic markups. Randomly bold/italic your primary terms as well as supporting terms throughout the description.
  5. If you own a nice group of followers in social media, mailing lists etc, send this traffic to the listing, so both Google and Amazon will see some traction.

Basic Off-Page SEO techniques for Google-Amazon SEO:

As domain is extremely authoritative in itself, all you need to do is to increase the page’s relevance to the search term that you want to rank for. The easiest way to do it is through guest-posting; Find industry relevant blogs, websites or pages, and offer them to write and publish relevant content on their blog, that will include a link back to your Amazon product page.
∗Note – diverse your anchor text and use multiple synonyms of your keywords, to link back from the guest posts to your blog.

Here is a list of Google search footprints which will help you to find niche-related blogs and websites that accept guest posts. Just switch “keyword” with your keyword and let Google do the rest of the work for you:

  • keyword “guest blog”
  • keyword “guest blogger”
  • keyword “guest Column”
  • keyword “guest article”
  • keyword guest post
  • keyword guest author
  • keyword “write for us”
  • keyword “write for me”
  • keyword “become a contributor”
  • keyword “contribute to this site”
  • keyword inurl:category/guest
  • keyword inurl:contributors

Rinse and repeat until you outrank your competition and find your product page in the top of page 1 of Google.

An amazing side effect – Increase your organic ranking and authority within Amazon’s search engine as well!

Many veteran Amazon sellers acknowledge that incoming traffic from out-of-amazon referrals helps in ranking within amazon’s inner search engine. As I’m not an Amazon SEO expert I can’t confirm that, but most chances that this quality traffic will also increase your inner Amazon ranking, as traffic, sales and reviews will help to rank within Amazon.

Now you know the reason you’ll typically see an Amazon listing on Google’s top search results, and how you can get there as well.

Don’t miss this opportunity, don’t leave so much money on the table – rank your Amazon listings in google today!

If you want to outsource the process,
we can rank your Amazon product page
in Google!

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