SEO For SaaS Companies – A Natural Organic Growth Process Through Prioritization

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After a major update, you can now display products on Google Shopping for free
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As an agency that specializes in SaaS SEO and organic search marketing, we came up with a systematized process that works for us time after time…

…It’s a natural growth process that mimics offline natural business growth – which helps any online business to establish itself
as an authority in its industry without “forcing it” in an unnatural manner. This way, you can get both quick wins and longevity, which eventually
will help you to conquer most of the big, lucrative and more competitive keywords in your field.

The secret is in prioritizing the aspects that you’ll address within a given time period in your campaign. 

Here are the general stages of a process that I, as a SaaS SEO consultant, use time after time with great success for SaaS (Software as a service) SEO:

1 – Do your research

Market and keywords research is the essential basis of any search campaign, be it organic or paid. 

You have to understand the market your competing in, what your potential clients are searching for, what kind of pains they have that you can solve by using your software and/or content on your site, what subjects and keywords do your competitors promote and so on. 

2 – General Website Categorization

Through your research, find the main subjects that you want to promote, and make them your website’s main categories. This will pass general relevancy to your entire website, and eventually will help you rank for broader industry key terms.

low hanging fruit keywords for SEO

Low hanging fruit collection and execution

Here’s where the magic happens; While many times SaaS business owners or marketers aim to rank their websites for the most competitive keywords in their industry, while their website still has low to zero trust and authority, the right way to start your SEO campaign is to address low competition keywords first and rank for them. 

3 – Easy to rank keywords

Then try to allocate low hanging fruit keywords that you can rank for easily, for this, you can use keyword research services. Those are industry-relevant keywords that have a decent monthly search volume (min. 500 searches a month) and low competition. I like to add one more filter, which is min. $1CPC in Google ads, which validates that the keyword has some actual market value.

4 – They ask, You answer

Search Google for industry-related keywords, and go to the “people also ask” section. Here you will find industry-relevant questions that your potential clients search for in Google. 

Search websites such as Quora and Reddit for industry-related keywords, and find even more industry-relevant questions and “pains” that your potential clients search for on the internet. 

5 – Content writing and publishing

After compiling a nice pool of keywords, write and publish optimized content pages for those “easier” keywords and they will start ranking in Google’s organic search results and deliver traffic to your website. 

Those ranks and traffic will gradually raise your trust, authority, and industry-relevance in the eyes of Google, while delivering new clients and sales in a very early stage of your activity!

6 – *Big tip – Competitor brand name Hijacking

Many times it may be easier to rank for your competitors’ brand names. This can help you to “steal” some buyer intent traffic, if you properly place your content in front of your potential clients’ eyes (hint: position yourself and de-position them…).

7 – Link building

As it’s impossible to build your authority in Google without having other relevant sites linking to your site, try to get some quality incoming links to your content and homepage.

After a few months of executing this activity, your authority and trust will be validated. THEN you can start publishing optimized content that targets more competitive keywords in your industry, which will rank much faster now, as you already a trusted brand in the eyes of Google.

Need some proof that validates this process? Here’s an example of a natural growth of a SaaS company’s website that we promote after about half a year.
We actually TRIPLED their organic search reach within this short period (189 more top 3 keywords, 530 more top 10 keywords).

SaaS SEO Results

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